- Session 1.1: Steve Karamihas, UMTRI-Road Profile Measurement & Interpretation 101
- Session 1.2: Brian L. Schleppi, Ohio DOT- Tire/Pavement Friction & Grip 101
- Session 2.1: Ronald Kennedy, CenTiRe- Tire/Pavement Noise 101
- Session 2.2: Gerardo Flintsch, Virginia Tech- Splash, Spray & Hydroplaning 101
- Session 2.3: Richard Wix, ARRB- Vehicle Rolling Resistance 101
- Session 3.1: Colin McClenahen, PennDOT-Moderation
- Session 3.11: John Senger, ILDOT- Illinois Test Track for Research and Certification
- Session 3.12: Steve Karamihas, UMTRI- Profiler Roundup data at MnROAD: Cross correlation and expected IRI error
- Session 3.13: Dave Merritt, Transtec Group- SHRP2 R06(E): Real-Time Smoothness Update
- Session 3.2: Dave Huft, SDDOT-Moderation
- Session 3.21: Steve Karamihas and Richard Wix, UMTRI and ARRB- Design vs. Real-World Smoothness
- Session 3.22: George Chang, Transtec Group- ProVAL : Upcoming Improved and New Features
- Session 3.23: Jacob Blanchard, INDOT- Smoothness Specs – Lessons-Learn: Panel Discussion
- Session 3.23: John Senger, ILDOT- Smoothness Specs – Lessons-Learn: Panel Discussion
- Session 3.23: James Greene, FLDOT-Smoothness Specs – Lessons-Learn: Panel Discussion
- Session 3.23: Steve Hale, NVDOT-Smoothness Specs – Lessons-Learn: Panel Discussion
- Session 4.1: Steve Hale, NVDOT-Moderation
- Session 4.11: Kelvin C.P. Wang, Oklahoma State University and WayLink Systems Corporation- Multi-Object and Real-Time Processing of Pavement Surface Distresses with Sub-mm 3D Data in the AI Environment
- Session 4.12: Bill Vavrik and Joe Stefanski, ARA- IDOT’s Journey from Manually Rated Roads to the Automated Data Collection and Automated rating world
- Session 4.13: Alex Bernier, UConn- Updating a State Pavement Condition Framework Using Relative Performance Targets
- Session 4.2: James Greene, FLDOT-Moderation
- Session 4.21: George Chang, Amanda Gilliland, Transtec Group- FHWA DQMP Document of Successful Practices
- Session 4.22: Robert Rozycki, FHWA- HPMS Updates
- Session 4.23: Thomas Van, FHWA- DQMP and HPMS – Panel Discussion
- Session 4.23: Bob Orthmeyer, FHWA-DQMP and HPMS – Panel Discussion
- Session 4.23: Robert Rozycki, FHWA-DQMP and HPMS – Panel Discussion
- Session 4.23: Scott Mathison, Pathway- DQMP and HPMS – Panel Discussion
- Session 5.1: Kevin McGhee, VADOT-Moderation
- Session 5.11: Brian L. Schleppi, Ohio DOT- Utilizing Highway Network Wide Localized Roughness Analysis
- Session 5.12: John Laurent, Pavemetrics- 3D Technologies for Longitudinal Profile Measurements: challenges and solutions to certification
- Session 5.13: John Ferris, Road Scholar Solutions- Transverse Pavement Profiles for Rutting Measurements: Training and Implementation of Five New AASHTO specifications
- Session 5.2: John Andrews, Powel Enterprises-Moderation
- Session 5.21: Ryland Potter, WDM- Continuous Friction Measurements and Managements
- Session 5.22: Gerardo Flintsch, Virginia Tech- Outcomes of NCHRP 15-55 Hydroplaning
- Session 5.23: Charles Holzschuher, FLDOT- Highway Speed Macrotexture Measurement: Spot vs Line Laser