The 2019 RPUG conference was held in Roanoke, VA from Sept. 17 to 19, 2019 as a joint meeting with Pavement Evaluation 2019.
SEPTEMBER 17-20, 2019
Wednesday, September 18
Plenary Open Session
Moderator – Edgar de León Izeppi
- Inauguration
Ken King - Current status of European standardization in the road surface characteristic area
Leif Sjögren - Integrating Safety into the Transportation Decision Making Process
Priscilla Tobias
Functional Session 1-1
Moderator: Thomas Van
- Lessons learned from Florida’s profiler certification track
James Greene - Why profiler certification sites are necessary for quality data
Tom Hershberger - Application of Pavement Smoothness Benefit in Pavement Determination
Max Grogg - Short-term changes, long-term changes, and repeatability of localized roughness in jointed PCC pavement
Steve Karamihas
Structural Session 2-1
Moderator: Rob Crandol
- Damage assessment of existing asphalt pavements for M-E rehabilitation design in Virginia: a hybrid approach
Jhony Habbouche - Evaluation of ME Results
Dennis Morian - Effect of roughness-induced dynamic load on pavement fatigue life using mechanistic-empirical approach
Seyed-Farzan Kazemi - The long-term pavement performance section of BAB 5 – Current status and outlook
Tim Blumenfeld
Other Session 3-1
Moderator: Amy Simpson
- A model for predicting the deterioration of the Pavement Condition Index and the Road Roughness Index
Amnon Ravina - Multi-variable analysis for pavement assessment
Nathan Bech - Quality assessment of 2017 HPMS pavements condition data
Sareh Kouchaki - Evolution of HPMS pavement condition data from 2009 to 2017
Amy Simpson
Pooled Fund 3 (354) – Profilers Technical Session 1
Moderator: David Huft
- Sensitivity of inertial profilers to operational conditions on urban and low-speed roadways
Steve Karamihas - Characterization of roughness on urban and low-speed roadways
Steve Karamihas
Structural Session 2-2
Moderator: Senthil Thyagarajan
- Assessment of jointed concrete pavements using continuous deflection data
Jerry Daleiden - Using Traffic Speed Deflectometer measurements to estimate the pavement strains under a moving load
Christoffer P. Nielsen - Compaction quality assurance of geomaterials using the Light Weight Deflectometer
Sadaf Khosravifar - Joint pursuit: detecting weak joints using TSD measurements by Basis Pursuit
Samer Katicha
Other Session 3-2
Moderator: Affan Habib
- Assessing the impact of data quality on pavement management systems
Ahmad Alhasan - The use of pavement management systems to manage and process the “big data” sets generated from continuous measurement road condition surveys to develop practical maintenance plans and budgets
Graeme Paterson - Implementation of quality management plan for the collection of interstate pavement condition data
Jonathan Groeger - Rutting and faulting data for the interstate highway system: equipment validation
Amy Simpson
Pooled Fund 3 (354) – Profilers Technical Session 2
Moderator: David Huft
- Using localized pseudo damage as a characterization tool for longitudinal profiles
Craig Altmann - Investigation of profile-based curl and warp analysis using LTPP profile data
Steve Karamihas
Structural Session 2-3
Moderator: Ross McCarthy
- A comparison study of Traffic Speed Deflectometer and Falling Weight Deflectometer on Texas roads
Feng Hong & John Bilyeu - Effect of pavement structural condition on the rate of pavement deterioration
Shivesh Shrestha - Field testing of TSD in New Jersey: deflection analysis and backcalculated moduli
Hao Wang
Other Session 3-3
Moderator: Bouzid Choubane
- Forensic evaluation of pavement failure Using GPR and UAV technology
Vahid Ganji - Changes in interstate highway system pavement conditions between 2015 and 2018
Sareh Kouchaki - Application of 3D radar for pavement evaluation
Kenneth Maser
Thursday, September 19
Functional Session 1-2
Moderator: Robert Orthmeyer
- Connected vehicle roughness data collection is real and could change our industry
William R. Vavrik - Five years report for functional and structural deterioration of local road pavements in TRUE Project
Kazuya Tomiyama - Striving for smoothness: a case study in ride quality measurement and performance specifications
Alex Bernier - Experiences in the first use of Automatic 3-D Distress Evaluation System for pavement monitoring in Argentina
Gustavo Mezzelani
Other Session 3-4
Moderator: Raja Shekharan
- Comparable pavement cracking definitions
Kelvin Wang - The preliminary study on evaluation of Taiwan Freeway No.1 using maintenance condition index
Shih-Huang Cheng - Costa Rica experience in the application of the IRI parameter as criteria for the acceptance of road maintenance and rehabilitation projects
Luis Diego Herra Gómez - Pavement evaluation & maintenance prioritization
Dominic Passanita
Pooled Fund 2 (299) – Rut, Crack, Fault Technical Session 1
Moderator: Andy Mergenmeier
- Guidance for quality management of pavement surface condition data collection and analysis
George Chang - Calibration, certification, and verification of transverse pavement profile measurements, project recommendations
Rick Miller, John Ferris, Craig Altmann - Practical methods of comparing vendor provided cracking distress data to agency produced “ground truth” data
Doug Frith
Functional Session 1-3
Moderator: Rohan Perera
- 3-D sidewalk inspections
John Laurent - Quality assurance process for NCDOT automated data collection
Ryan Finley - Historical advancements in high speed distress data collection
Doug Frith - Road surface measurement spacing based on delaunay triangulation
Craig Altmann
Pooled Fund 3 TPF-5 (385) – TSDD Technical Session 1
Moderator: Gerardo Flintsch
- Locating poor joints in composite pavements using TSD
Senthil Thyagarajan
Pooled Fund 2 (299) – Rut, Crack, Fault Technical Session 2
Moderator: Andy Mergenmeier
- Proposed standard data format and compression algorithms for 2D/3D pavement surface image
James Tsai - Jointed concrete pavement faulting collection and analysis standards
Shreenath Rao
Functional Session 1-4
Moderator: John Senger
- Introduction to continuous friction measurements
Ryland Potter & Graeme Paterson - Implementation of a PFMP for Virginia DOT – preliminary results
Ross McCarthy - Eliminate the deduct staircase: towards continuous distress severity measurement
Michael Nieminen
Pooled Fund 3 TPF-5 (385) – TSDD Technical Session 2
Moderator: Samer Katicha
- Use of traffic speed deflection data in Australia
Richard Wix - Implementation of the Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) for network level pavement management
Ken Maser - Kansas Traffic Speed Deflectometer (and more) experimental findings
Kevin McGhee - Economic impact of including pavement structural condition into pavement management decisions
Shivesh Shrestha
Other Session 3-4
Moderator: Thomas Van
- Pavement distress detection using advanced machine learning methods with intensity and depth data
Matthew Connelly-Taylor - Development of a machine learning-based quality control approach for automated pavement condition data
Amir Arshadi & Abbas Kachwalla - Pavement surface evaluation beyond cracking with deep learning
Kelvin Wang
Plenary Closing Session
Moderator: Kevin McGhee
- Enabling continuous road monitoring applications using connected vehicle data
Donald K. Grimm - RPUG Business Meeting
Kevin McGhee & Scott Mathison - Final Remarks
Gerardo Flintsch