29 Years – Pavement Surface Characteristics in an Automated World
The 29th Annual Road Profile Users’ Group (RPUG) Meeting was held at the Marriott Denver West in Denver, Colorado from November 14 – 16, 2017.
Who Should Attend
- Equipment Operators & Vendors
- Pavement Management Engineers
- Construction & Design Engineers
- Researchers
- Federal, State & Local Gov. Agencies
- Paving Contractors
- Data Collectors
- Universities
- Equipment Manufacturers
- Consultants
- Tire Industry Professionals
RPUG is seeking sponsors for this meeting at three different levels: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can help sponsoring RPUG during the registration process. For more information, please contact Patte Hahn of the National Center for Pavement Preservation at +1 (517) 432-8220 or email hahnp@egr.msu.edu.
Non-Financial Co-Sponsorship
The followings are non-financial co-sponsors:
- US Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- US TRB AFD90 Committee on Pavement Surface Properties and Vehicle Interaction
Brochure, Agenda, and Speakers’ Info
- Brochure
- Agenda
- ProVAL workshop instructions
- Essential ProVAL workshop agenda, Advanced ProVAL workshop agenda/handout/samples
- Speakers’ bios and abstracts
- Speaker’s Presentation
Important Dates
- May 15, 2017 – Call for Presentations
- August 11, 2017 – Deadline for submitting abstracts of presentations
- August 18, 2017 – Notification of accepted titles/abstracts for presentations
- October 10, 2017 – Deadline for the early-bird registration
- October 23, 2017 – Deadline for the early-bird hotel reservation at the conference rates
- October 23, 2017 – Deadline for submission of presentations (including visual aids) & bios
- November 14-16 – RPUG conference
Call for Presentations
RPUG encourages you to share the latest-&-pertinent topics in presentation form on the following topics:
- Network Pavement Surface Measurements under FAST Act
- Automated Pavement Condition Surveys, Evaluation, and Reporting
- Pavement Profile Measurement
- Pavement Profile Analysis
- Pavement Surface Texture
- Tire-Pavement Friction
- Tire-Pavement Noise
- 3-D Pavement Surface Measurement Technology
- Pavement Profile Quality Assurance (QA) and Reference Measurement
- Incentive/Disincentive Programs
- Real-time Surface Properties Measurement
- Influence of Surface Characteristics on Rolling Resistance and Vehicle and Tire Wear
- Road Roughness and Ride Comfort
- National Data Collection Standards and Certification
- Impact of Ride Specifications on Construction Practices
Please submit a presentation abstract of 300 words or less in a one-page MS word document via the RPUG contact page using “Abstract for RPUG Presentation” as the subject line.
- Example abstract
- Instructions for speakers to prepare bios, presentation, and permission form.
- Speaker’s permission form.
Registration Fees
A registration fee of $450 is required, and registration after October 9, 2015 will be subject to the late registration fee of $500.
Equipment vendors are invited to attend the meeting to exhibit their products. Exhibitor registration of $1,750 includes two participants.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available at three levels: Silver ($1,500), Gold ($2,500), and Platinum ($3,500).
You can register by either:
- Online registration, or
- Download the brochure and fill out the registration form on the last page – then fax it to NCPP.
Vendors’ Information
Equipment vendors are invited to attend the meeting to exhibit their products. Additional information:
- Exhibitor Agreement and
- Shipping Instructions –Your Name, Guest
Hotel Reservation and Transportation
The meeting will be held at the Marriott Denver West: 1717 Denver West Boulevard, Golden CO 80401-3144, (303) 279-9100
Hotel reservations can be made for the block rates of $165/night no later than October 23, 2017. You can register by either:
- Accessing the online hotel reservations, or
- Calling 1-888-238-1803, and asking for the RPUG Conference group rate.
Marriott’s advise on transportation
Instructions for taking train between Denver airport and Marriott
Uber costs about $50 each way between the airport and hotel.
Invitation Letters and VISA Requirements
If you are traveling from a foreign country to the US, you may need to double-check the new US VISA requirements. Contact us if you need any assistance such as official RPUG invitation letters.
Continuing Education (CEU) Credits
We will also offer certificates of continuing education (CEU) credits to RPUG attendees upon requests.
- Registration, sponsorship opportunity, and CEU credits: Contact Patte Hahn of the National Center for Pavement Preservation at (517) 432 8220 or email hahnp@egr.msu.edu.
- Presentation/Moderating Sessions: Email Info@RPUG.org or use the RPUG contact page.